Paulina Dunker
Morning Magic, Hatha Alignment, Strong Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative, Healing
@paulinadunkerPaulina has a background within different traditions of yoga, traditional as well as more explorative and she has been teaching yoga since 2012.
She has a love for movement and anatomy and how energies move in and around the physical body.
She works as a Quantum healer and Light coach and integrates understandings of energetic work in her teachings and classes.
For Paulina the main focus is that “You feel that you are in a space where you connect to and remember more of You”.
Rateesh Mani
Strong Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga & Pranayama
@start_yogaRatheesh är född och uppvuxen i Kerala, Indien där yogiska och vediska principer var en del av kulturen och strukturen i hans uppväxt. Ratheesh har tillbringat flera år i Himalaya där han har studerade vedisk filosofi, ayurveda, meditation och yoga. Därefter har Ratheesh rest runt i världen och föreläst i ämnena enligt gamla indiska traditioner.
Han har undervisat mer än 11 000 yogakurser, 25 lärarutbildningar och hundratals workshops över hela världen.
Margherita Guidi
Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga
@margaritagyogaIn my yoga journey, I was initially drawn to the physical aspect of the practice, as a way to relax after a long day at work, but soon it became clear that yoga means so much more than that. Through yoga I found ways to practice compassion and non-judgement towards myself and others.
For me, yoga is also knowing that I am already enough as I am, and it's not a goal or something that I achieve that it's going to make me better or more deserving.
Being healthy and being able to do amazing things with our bodies is wonderful, but even more so, it's the actual journey and what we learn of ourselves along the way, how we can keep our peace and face life challenges, cultivating our innate joy, being who we truly are.
My purpose as a teacher is sharing what I am passionate about: the gift of moving with the breath, cultivating skills in a safe and mindful way.
With my classes I guide my students through a journey of self-discovery, empowering and supporting them, so they can eventually become their own best teachers.
I specialize in teaching dynamic Vinyasa sequences, skill-oriented workshops, and I also love to teach restorative slow flows.
Anders Asker
Rocket Vinyasa Yoga
@andersaskerRunt 40 började jag att söka mig till ISHTA-, Vinyasa-, Power och Ashtanga-yoga. Tiden då barnen var små hade gjort att min egen Kundalini-yoga-praktik blev allt mer sporadisk. Men tack vare att dessa nya influenser kom in i mitt liv fick jag tillbaka en daglig rutin. På den tiden jobbade jag som mentalskötare och blev genast varse om hur min rygg och hållning påverkades i stärkande och positiv riktning.
2006 träffade jag en mycket speciell och excentrisk yogaprofil från San Fransisco vid namn Larry Schultz. Stilen med vilken han undervisade och den intensiva praktiken av progressiv Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga som kallades för ”Rocket” var livsomvälvande för mig. Man kan säga att jag blev frälst på det här nya och lekfulla sättet att praktisera en mycket fysisk och flödade form av Hatha Yoga.
Några år senare blev jag yogaläraare på heltid. Yogan undervisar oss i Oneness och den villkorslösa kärleken. Det största hindret för detta är vårt ego. Vägen är lång och blir man någonsin fullärd?
Jag tror att vi lär oss att stå upp för oss själva. Att leda med hjärtat. Vi lär oss steg för steg att hörsamma den tysta rösten i hjärtat genom meditation. Vi lär oss icke-våld, sanning, förnöjsamhet/tacksamhet. Att stiga ut ur dramat och att följa vägen i frihet, enkelhet, tystnad, bekymmerslöshet, långsamhet, andlighet och delande.
Luisa Doerstel
Spinal Flow, Yin Yoga
@luisalotta_ginLuisa is a story weaver, body poet & movement alchemist. She's infinitely curious about the body & the breath, plants, art, magic, language, failure, and how to find the sweetness of being lost in the world.
Holding a degree in Arts&Media and professionally being trained in Contemporary Dance, she now works as a Health Coach, Yoga & Movement Teacher. She believes in life as the practice of listening and responding; a dialogue both with the body and the world as innate language through which everything is connected in rhythmic symphony.
Through years of study and practice with her Teachers, including Stephen Thomas, Simon Borg-Olivier, Meghan Currie, Dages Juvelier-Keates, Carlos Tao, she deepened her knowledge of what it means to be (in) a body as well as being bodily influenced by life’s ebbs and flows. Alongside her lifelong self-discovery this led her to perceiving body-mind-breath as an instrument, map and mirror of her own biography. Passionately committed to sharing her practice, she wants people to vibrantly experience life and guide them into embodying themselves as a moving weaver, receiver and dreamer to orient and navigate between time & space.
Her teachings are anatomical but playful, intuitive and raw, drawing from natures wisdom of constant change and cosmic principles of alignment and connection. Her classes weave together aspects of Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Katonah Yoga, Somatics and Dance sprinkled with mythology, geometry and embodied astrology
Gabriel von Post
Breathwork, Meditation
@breath_of_awakeningGabriel lever sedan 2014 i ett tillstånd av inre stillhet och närvaro, guidad varje ögonblick av universums intelligens.
2018 släppte han boken AWAKENING - To our natural state of freedom som guidar läsaren till inre stillhet. Gabriel har hållit klasser, workshops och retreats inom Meditation och Breathwork sedan 2016.
Gabriel är även utbildad personlig tränare, crossfit coach och äger och driver Alvanda.
Dilin Azizoglu
Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin & Sound Healing
@dilin.yogaDilin is a dedicated wellness practitioner who integrates yoga, breathwork, Reiki, and sound healing into her holistic approach.
Her journey into these practices began as a personal quest to heal from a serious knee injury and manage anxiety, which profoundly shaped her teaching philosophy. With extensive training in various forms of yoga and breathwork from Bali, India, France, and Sweden, Dilin combines her learned skills into a transformative practice.
Passionate about the power of yoga, Dilin believes in its ability to not only enhance physical flexibility and strength but also to foster mental clarity and emotional balance. She pours her heart into every session, creating a safe and supportive environment where her students can explore and grow. She helps individuals unlock their potential and achieve greater physical and mental well-being.
She remains deeply committed to sharing her knowledge and enhancing her students' wellness journeys, continuously exploring new ways to integrate yoga into her holistic healing practice.
Saul Phillips
Rocket Lab
Meet Saul, a modern-day yogi who uses asana to guide you into a meditative state. His journey began unexpectedly in Sri Lanka, just before the pandemic, when he stumbled into a yoga class that changed everything.Over the past four years, Saul has honed his practice, blending traditional poses with unconventional approaches that challenge both body and mind. Now teaching in Sweden, Saul aims to break away from the typical Lagom culture, showing that yoga can be a powerful tool for transformation.
His classes are for those ready to push boundaries and become the best versions of themselves.
Maya Niva
Hatha Yoga, GravidYoga, Mamma-Baby Yoga
I used to work as a social worker, but during this period of my life, I struggled with stress, anxiety, and several burnouts. This was when I discovered yoga and meditation, and my healing journey began. For me, yoga is not just a practice on the mat; it is a lifestyle that you carry with you into your everyday life. Yoga helped me stop searching for all the answers outside of myself and instead go deep within to find my inner voice and higher self. It also helped me work on the most important relationship in my life—my relationship with myself. So, I quit my job as a social worker, followed my heart, and participated in a Yoga Teacher Training in Spain.My mission as a space holder is to help people find their way back home to themselves. The only constant in life is change, but no matter what happens around us, we have all the answers and tools within; we just need to open the door. I intend to create a safe space for you to simply be and connect with your inner light. By meeting ourselves, we also become part of a larger community where we all connect.
I am a certified yoga teacher in Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, Hot Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Pregnancy Yoga, and MamaBaby Yoga. I am also a Karuna Reiki Master and Lifestyle Coach.
Angelica Herrera
Yin Yoga & Meditation
@angelicaaherreraAfter traveling and living in different countries for several years, as well as doing 500hrs of yoga teacher-training in India and in Ecuador, I discovered the beauty that lies in different cultures and practices.
This showed me the possibilities of connecting instead of dividing, which is something I bring with me and share through my practice. I have a deep rooted love for nature and all her beings, which is also reflected when I teach yoga and create ceremonies.
In my classes I invite you to explore soft natural movements together with the breath, connecting underneath the layers, and the magic of finding presence in every moment.
I also practice reiki and share ceremonies.
Amina Agerman
Strong Flow, Slow Flow, Yin Yoga
@ellenaminayogaAmina har mångårig erfarenhet av undervisning, både i studios och klassrum.
I sina klasser använder hon närvaro och lugn för att ge utrymme för dig att vara, känna och landa. Oavsett vad du bär med dig till klassen, är hela du välkommen.
Amina har praktiserat yoga i över 10 år och gjorde sin första lärarutbildning 2018. Idag är hon +600 timmar certifierad yogalärare och har också gått en rad kurser i anatomi, träningslära och hälsopsykologi.